Our staff and volunteers are all members of The BRF, who believe completely in The Grand Plan (We do not solicit for nor receive funds on this site).
If you have ever supported a worthy cause and are aware of the injustices our people endure daily, then surely you can get behind this effort. The BRF is
the legitimate refuge for our people, built by us, financed by us and operated by us. It cannot be bought, sold, influenced, or defeated by anything but us!
This website begins an awakening and a registration and verification process to establish your ancestry that will be vital to you receiving fair reparations. It
has been said that "If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain "Move" and it will be moved". Our mountain is a majority vote in the
U. S. Senate and your mustard seed is you registering here with the BRF, today.
Ever since the Emancipation Proclamation was proclaimed by then President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, Black people have struggled to receive the liberties, properties and status that were promised to them. Although an executive order was implemented by Lincoln, the opposition had him killed and replaced him with President Johnson who reneged on the promises and forced Black people back into a different but as effective type of bondage that exists to this day. If there was ever any intention of them giving us our just due and fair treatment, surely the opportunity has presented itself in more than 400 years of waiting, pleading, and protesting. We now have a plan to force the implementation of a reparations. But we must first apply for a tax-free status for the awards and the tax free status will be granted by the state and federal governments, as part of the reparation’s agreement. This plan provides 5200 different Black Americans with $100,000.00 awards every year for as long as it takes. It will unite us under this Grand Plan that will show us what we are capable of as a 20 million strong financial block in a capitalistic society where only large, dollar amounts matter.
Consider this: 20 million people can pay $1 and buy 20 million bottles of water which may last them one day at a cost of $20 million. Or that same $20 million spent together just once could buy them the water source, the facility and entire processing operation that will supply them with water for life. This has to make common sense as well as financial sense to us. If not, then we have a very, very fundamental problem with our way of thinking. We Need You To See Clearly!
"Even the darkest night must end and the sun will rise in the Morning."
If we spent just $1/week of our incomes in united efforts to help Black owned businesses and ventures, we would change the world's landscape and overcome all of the negative assaults and ploys against our people over the last 500 years.
All that is required for regular people to acquire and possess authority is for regular people to come together and agree to act. That is your human right.
The Black Renaissance Foundation (a non-profit institution) is formed for the purpose of coming to the financial and political aids of Black citizens of the United States of American, by providing tax free financial awards, social and informational awareness material, and organizational assists to said citizens in order to assist projects necessary for the advancement and well-being of Black Americans. These objectives are achieved exclusively via $1 weekly voluntary donations from adult members of the Black American population residing in the USA. The Black Renaissance Foundation (BRF) will necessarily employ as staff members (for ten-year maximum terms), only Black American citizens who are regular members of the foundation and who are totally dedicated to the aim and success of its charter. As a portion but not the entire payment of Black reparations, the BRF requests that state and federal governments confer a tax free exemption on all awards paid out to or received from its Black citizens via The BRF, particularly when the funding for such awards is provided by said $1 donations. Having made the petition and received the blessings of the state and federal governments, this charter will continue as long as necessary, to achieve all said objectives, until such time that racial inequalities no longer targets nor victimizes the Black citizens of the United States of America and of this world.
This BRF website is designed exclusively to inform you and to acquire 140,000 Registrant Emails, for the purpose of launching our Grand Plan initiative. It is merely a petition and it does not seek financial information nor take payments. Upon registering, we will send you more details about how this plan works for us. However, if you have questions or concerns, feel free to Contact Us below.
REGISTERING does not commit you to anything, it merely let's this government know that we are serious and locks your place in Line. Click the Email link below to enter your email address, Then click Register. We will contact you as we approach the 140,000 mark. Also, text "I did" to (205) 492-0043 and check your email for confirmation. Thank You! Anyone can find fault but only a doer can make a difference. Rest assured that your information is private and will not be solicited and know that today you helped yourself and our people.
There is a Plan in place that our people can totally control. that gets $100,000 into the hands of every Black American adult, starting now. But we need 140,000 of us to Register to get this implemented.
People, we're going to get back to communicating and loving ourselves & each other. We will start to have countrywide reunion celebrations every year. We must again share knowledge with each other.
No one is going to be left out. The BRF intends to employ nearly 1 million of our own people, once it is fully membered. Pursue your ambitions within ours. Help us to do this by Registering Today.
You may not be aware of the recent attempts to receive reparations for the slavery and Jim Crow conditions inflicted upon our ancestors, here in the Americas, over the last 400 plus years. You may also not be aware that no matter how legislators have tried to draft a reparations package that might compensate our people for such heinous abuse, Congress has still been unwilling to agree that we deserve any kind of payment for the harsh labor and abuse levied against our people without fair compensation. You were not there while your male ancestors were helplessly forced to listen while their women were assaulted and abused by slavers. They could do nothing but You Can. The elders that formed The Black Renaissance Foundation feel that we should not continually beg this government to compensate us for what was so blatant and obviously cruel and odious treatment against our helpless ancestors, and towards many, today. Therefore, we've decided to create our own mechanism to start the reparations process. And, if this government will not assist in the reparation of our people, then we must insist that it doesn't interfere in that reparation by taxing our Awards, since any taxation on the Awards by this government would clearly indicate that it doesn't want us to repair ourselves. That's the purpose of our requested Registrations: We need those numbers to began the legitimate tax-free operation that gets $100,000 into the hands of every adult descendant of the African slaves forcibly bought to the U.S., starting in the 17th century. It has become apparent that no one is going to help us. So let's help ourselves. The Grand Plan shows how Black Americans can invest just $1/wk., of our own money to get us those $100,000 Awards, guaranteed. Our people here in the U.S. spend over $1 trillion every year. We don't need to beg anyone for anything. We just need to work together. Here's how it will work:
(It's time for Action)
Our first task is to identify all of the descendants of Africans brought here as slaves. This is achieved by systematically identifying our people into small sections of (25) that we call Families. Those Families will become close and may comprise actual blood relations, along with others who may not be blood relations. But over time, they will become close enough to function like a family. You will choose the Family that you want to become a part of and that Family will choose a HEAD. Next: Every (5) Families will be linked under a SENIOR, who will regularly be in communication with the five Family HEADS, much like a family but five times as large. Those SENIORS will be part of a larger group of (25) that is headed by an ELDER , who will be part of a larger group of (25) that is headed by a SPEAKER. Those SPEAKERS will be part of a larger group of (25) that will be headed by a CHIEF and that CHIEF will be part of The Council of 10. The only purpose of that Council will be to make sure that every BRF Family receives reparations and that we all be made aware of the real truths of our existence here in this land.
Mathematically, the above replications look like this: (25 x 5 x 25 x 25 x 25 x 10) = (19,531,250) people, which makes up the entire Black Adult population of the United States. If most capable Black American adults invested just $1/week into this type plan, we could achieve anything. You need to understand that the only power that we have in this country is financial power and we only have that when we work together. Once you register (It doesn't cost you anything), we will send you more details about how we can guarantee results. There Is No Other Way, (Peacefully), to change the status of our people in this country. Don't let another generation be lost before you realize this (Read On, Please)!
Our Black Renaissance could be achieved through monthly group meetings, to discuss the topics in the BRF Magazine. For those of you who may not know: There was a European Renaissance that started in the 1300's and ended in the 1600's. During that time, it was decided that the European populations needed to be expanded in other territories. The general population had become too educated to maintain its old feudal system that had oppressed their masses for centuries. It was recognized that education of the masses was the catalyst that caused the system to ultimately crumble. Does it not seem ironic that our people were forbidden to learn how to read for so many centuries and why there is a high cost for education in the U. S. today? The truth is that Black slaves were the only people, historically forbidden to read because slavers knew that keeping them ignorant was the only way to prevent them from knowing who they really were. Because if their children learned who they really were, there would be no way to keep them from rising up and taking their rightful place in this world. That fear and strategy is still in practice today. That must change. The monthly Family meetings will educate you about our liberation without you having to read an entire book or magazine to learn what is being kept from you. You will learn everything you desire and need to learn, and we will do it all together. For now, try to think about how you could benefit from a network where the knowledge from one of us is made available to all of us and the kind of future that would create for your children. Then decide if the BRF concept can help make that a reality. Then Join Us. Our ancestors were mercilessly assaulted for trying to come together and educate themselves. We cannot let their sacrifice be in vain. - IT'S TIME TO ACT! Only 10% of people that read this material will be capable of understanding what's being said here. If you are one of those that can, then you are a Leader and must understand that if you Do Not Explain it to the followers around you, they Will Not Register and allow this to happen. Your registering is the Only Action that is needed to begin the recovery of our people. Once you do this one thing, all else will fall into place!
Did you know that even our insurance rates are based on the claims demographic of entire regions, even though we may only comprise just a portion of that entire region? In other words, we are being charged rates based on the entire population, even though we will only benefit 15% of the time. Think about it for a moment, People. Even our rates could be 6 times lower if they were based on just our demographics. These are the kinds of things that we've been helplessly supporting but will start to control once we reach 140,000 and start to invest together through organizations like The BRF. This is the 21st century, people. So, let's not continue like it's the 19th century. If we examine the 20 million water bottle example mentioned in Your History above, we can easily see how us implementing those same types of strategies on a regular bases can make each acquisition easier than the one before and over time eliminate our current dependence on others. FACT: Together, we can own and do almost anything. And if everyone that registers gets just one other person to register per day, then that 140,000 target can be reached in just a few weeks. But, now that you know of a way, You Must Choose to free yourself. If you choose to remain in bondage, God Must allow you to remain therein, because you have free will. And if you choose to do nothing, then by default, you are choosing for things to remain as they are. That is a Truth about Life. Award recipients are chosen initially from the 140,000 registrants. So, spread the word. We need you to understand that all other ethnicities may see our physical differences as a threat and may be afraid to provide us with a level playing field. So, See Clearly!
All is not as it seems in America. This is not a healthy environment for our people and those of us that know the truth are truly trying to help you, if you let us.
For those of you who may not agree with our approach, here is our rationale: It is apparent that this government either cannot or will not accept that our people should receive any reparations. Because if it did, it would have paid us like it has paid so many other depressed ethnicities for crimes committed against their people for racial discriminations. Furthermore, governments typically will not act unless it is in the best interest of their ruling classes, unless they have no choice. Since we are not the ruling class in the United States and since our role here has been that of workers and since we cannot force the U. S. to do what it has repeatedly refused to do, then it is illogical to assume that this government will change its four-hundred-year-old practices that have worked so well for its ruling class. Nothing that has been done since the 1600's has changed the perspective of this ruling class about racial inequality here in the U. S. Not even the deaths resulting from the Civil War or the Civil Rights Movement. So, we must show them that we are not a helpless people and that they are not superior to us that we should continue to beg them. No, we must show them and the world that we are not defeated and that we can make it despite what they did to our ancestors. You must understand that no 140,000 group of united citizens in this country has even been ignored. But if you will not help us, please don't hinder us. If we will not simply register an email address to help change the situations we endure daily, then consider what other people will think of us and how they will treat us, going forward. This is the easiest action that anyone can take to help optimize their opportunities. And it all starts with you simply helping us to reach that 140,000 mark. We must do this while we can. The most realistic reparations package put before Congress, asks that each Black American receives $276,000. The Grand Plan gets us $100,000 Now, while we're waiting for them to act. Of course, if you feel that you know of a better way to rally our people and get us the reparations that we seek, then Please let us know how it can be done. We Need You To See Clearly!
When one causes damage to another, one's only honest course of repentance is to try and help to repair the damage that was caused. All else, no matter how extreme, is just a selfish attempt to console one's own guilt. We sincerely need you, and as many others as you can persuade, to register ASAP. Your contact information will be kept private. Thank You! As we surely approach the 140,000 mark, we need you to SEE CLEARLY
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